Family Events at FallsCon

FallsCon makes an effort to build inclusive events for parents and guardians with youth attendees to sign up for and participate in events tailored for our newest gamers.   Many of these tailored events will run throughout the morning and afternoon on all three days. Some of our biggest events will be held on Saturday/ Sunday, so if you’re only going to bring your little gamers to one day of the convention, that might be the best option for your family. We’ll be exploring options like a specific volunteer for paint-and-take to assist mini painters, RPG adventures and board game events written and run with our youth attendees in mind. 

Reminder: All attendees under 12 and under must be accompanied by their parent\guardian for events.

If you would like to help host games in this area, please click the button below for GM information. When these events are submitted, youth-appropriate events will be flagged for review. For players, keep an eye out for the age rating on event sign-ups. These ratings will also be applied to a portion of the board game library so younger attendees can make their board selections easily.